With India’s growing stature at the international level, Indian opposition is living in a fools’ paradise

To defeat Narendra Modi the Indian opposition has now started to play kid's games which are falling flat on them only and they are not aware of it.

The Indian Opposition is clue less
Indian Opposition (Photo Courtesy: NDTV)

This week was quite eventful for India, both at the national level and at the international level as well. On a national level apart from those hate speeches and threats we have witnessed in recent times,  a new low from the Indian opposition was seen when they again opposed those things that actually are not the matters to oppose at all. At the international level again the Indian foreign policy has secured a major victory and that too in the USA and made its stature even bigger.

Before I explain how lower the Indian opposition went with its rotten agenda this week, let me discuss a big breakthrough that India has got at the international level. On Thursday the US House of Representatives approved an India-specific waiver under CAASTA (Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act). Under this act, the US government was bound to put sanctions on any country that involves in any major deals with Russia, Iran, and North Korea. We all know how strong India’s relations with Russia are and why we need Iranian crud to keep our petrol and diesel prices in check despite the US ban.

Before this huge relief, we were buying crud and purchasing major military equipment from Iran and Russia respectively. Even while putting multiple restrictions by the west on Russia a few months back because of the war, India purchased tons of crude from Russia at a concessional rate, but technically under CAASTA, the fear of sanctions was always there. Although the way Indian foreign policy has been developed in the last seven years a surety was there that the US will never put any sanctions against India. Not because the US has billions and billions of dollars in trade with India, but because India is its only strong partner that can take on China, which the US fears the most at this time.

Still, an India-specific waiver is a big win for the Indian government for sure. This is actually the first step; this same bill will now go to the US santé and after getting its green signal, when US President Joe Biden will sign this amendment it will actually come into practice.

As expected there is no or very less importance given to this huge development in Indian media which we all know is anti-BJP and anti-Modi in the disguise of being neutral. But, if you really wish to know how big this victory for India is you must check some Pakistani news channel discussions. Even before Thursday, the panelists from Pakistani channels were worried that why the US is not putting sanctions on India just like it did with Turkey when it bought similar military equipment as India did from Russia.

So, the thing is that when your enemy is worried about your strengths, you should feel that you are doing pretty well. This is not the first major victory of India abroad, but there are many more in the last five to seven years, yet the Indian opposition is trying to malign India’s image abroad by spreading lies time and again.

It all started with Shaheen Baugh in 2019-2020, then the so-called farmers’ agitation in 2021, and brief violence when Agneepath Scheme was introduced this year, but all these failed because of the determination of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and because of him having the courage to take a few steps back when it is deemed necessary for the national security. In between all these three fiascos, the Indian opposition with the help of the leftist foreign and Indian media even tried to create a picture that the minorities, especially Muslims are not safe in the country since there is a change in government in 2014. But, that too failed miserably because of the raise of right-wing nationalists not only in the Indian mainstream media but also on social media as a whole.

With such huge failures coming their way one after one despite putting up huge efforts and flushing millions of rupees, the Indian opposition has now started to play child’s games. Three such examples of their kid-like games are seen in this week only. First, when Narendra Modi unveiled the National Emblem over the new building of the Indian parliament a few days back, the Indian opposition made an issue of why these four lions are roaring and not smiling like they always do. But when the original sculpture from Sarnath Stambh went viral their propaganda lost the air dramatically.

Two more kiddo games of the Indian opposition came out in the open two days in a row. First when the Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla announced the new list of unparliamentary words. We all know that the said list is just symbolic and it is not forced upon any member of the parliament, yet even a senior parliamentarian like P Chidambaram came into open and said that he will use all these words when the Monsoon session of the parliament begins on Monday.

What a fall! When you are aware that the usage of these words will not stop you from speaking in the parliament, yet you will oppose it and blame it on the government despite you are aware that the Lok Sabha committee decides which words are parliamentary and which are not.

Once again the Indian opposition tried to oppose the new rule of no dharna or protests being allowed within the range of the parliament building. It is common sense that such nonsense must not be allowed within the area of parliament, but yet Indian opposition parties thought that this is the way they can counter the government and push it into the corner. Not to mention this rule is not decided by the government but by the speaker of the Lok Sabha decides such rule.

The opposition’s move was checkmate when social media started circulating two old circulars of the parliament when the Indian opposition of today was in power, and that circular was having almost the same wordings as the one that was released yesterday.

So, the thing is that the general feeling among the Indian opposition is that the way Narendra Modi government is moving fast with its pro-public decisions and their implementation there is no chance for the next many years that they can come back to power. So they tried to blacken India’s image outside India, but they failed due to watertight Indian foreign policy. So now they are trying to confuse the Indian public by crying loud that their rights are being suppressed by this government.

But, with active and impactful social media in India, it seems that this game of theirs will also fall flat. Plus, the Indian voter is not the voter we had for the first five or six decades since independence. As it is said that over 30% to 40% of India’s population are youngsters, and today’s youth don’t want and don’t accept non-sense, it demands results. This common sense has been developed within the BJP for the last decade at least, but the Indian opposition still failed to accept this fact and till it doesn’t understand this simple thing, their way to power will remain as tough as it is today.

16th July 2022, Saturday




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